Our approach

B3 creates leaders with more capability and capacity.

Let your leaders soar.

The B3 framework brings the principles of vertical development to life.  The process integrates learning and development with getting work done, creating a habit of growth through experimentation and on-the-job action.  Repeatedly moving thorough the B3 cycle, leaders develop both horizontally (learn new skills and capabilities) and vertically (mindset growth building the capacity to deal with complexity).

The B3 methodology.

Our Be Conscious, Be Curious, Be Better (B3) framework is the magic behind how we develop leaders horizontally and vertically.

Built on neuroscience and behavior change principles to develop the mindset to thrive in ambiguity.

The B3 framework respects the context your leaders are coming from and operating in; giving them the space to contextualize and focus on what they need.

A model to iteratively develop; with a continual focus on experiential development and reflection.

What does B3 include?

Be Conscious


We start with you.

What is important, what works, what are your goals, what are your challenges?

This primes your thinking and focus, preparing you to develop.

Be Curious


We aim to inspire.

Get fresh ideas and insights, to spark new ideas and mental models to engage with.

Be Better


This is where the real development comes in.

Prototyping and experimenting to move forward. 

Reflect on how it went.

Confirm, or adjust your insight.


Supported by our development platform.

Connect with more of our thinking.

How To Develop Adaptive Leaders

How To Develop Adaptive Leaders

Leaders are increasingly grappling with complex challenges, rapid change, and growing demands on their time and attention. Our new Insight Series Report, How to Develop Adaptive Leaders, dives into the challenges, goals and shifts leaders are focused on today....

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Back to the future.

Back to the future.

In a time of rapid disruption, how can we support leaders to be agile and find new solutions to lead their teams forward? There’s a lot we can learn by looking back to the past… way back to 2OO,OOO years ago. This is when early humans lived in the Serengeti, Africa,...

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Empowering leaders for the future of work

Empowering leaders for the future of work

What does the future of leadership development look like? In the last 12 months, we’ve worked with organizations that are doing some incredible work to help their leaders navigate disruption and change. Our clients around the world tell us they’re facing volatility on...

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Interested to hear how our vertical approach can benefit your leaders?

If you’re ready to grow your leaders, we’d love to see how we can help.